You want to learn the valley of the clarée?
With LES BELLONS, we assure you a service of seasonal hiring on Névache for one of our 4 apartments or for our chalet. Enter one of our beautiful apartments in Nevache of 75m2 fully renovated in 2019. You will be able to enjoy nearby full of activities and you can end your day in one of our apartments for rent on Nevache Vallée de la Clarée. Want to sleep in the summer in a cozy bed? We assure for you a set of services allowing you to take full advantage of your apartment for rent for a weekend, a weekly rental on Névache or for your winter or summer holidays on Névache in the heart of the valley of the clarée
20,000 hectares of pure nature from 1,600 m to 3,178 m.
The Clarée valley offers you the light of the Southern Alps in a mountain setting. You will discover the authenticity of its small mountain villages along a crystal clear river named Clarée where every lane and path offer their secrets.
A preserved valley:
The valleys of the Clarée and the Vallée Narrow have benefited from their remoteness to preserve their natural and wild characteristics. Listed as a natural site since 1992, the Clarée has since 1906 many classifications as historical monuments and sites. This ranking recognizes the exceptional quality of this ensemble, both culturally and naturally.
The valley, its villages and hamlets:
At the entrance to the Clarée Valley, 7 km from Briançon, is Val-des-Près. Composed of 3 hamlets: La Vachette, Le Rosier and the Chef-lieu, the village has kept its mountain character and especially its village spirit. In Val-des-Près, you can take the time to take your time. Breathe, breathe, enjoy, revitalize! Going up the Clarée, discover Névache, a natural jewel.
Valley, two villages:
La Clarée, a magical river La Clarée has its source under the threshold of the Rochilles, at the Lake Clarée at 1433 m altitude until its confluence with the Durance, 32 km below, at the bridge Lovers, just before the Vachette. As the race progresses, the small stream winds its way through the reliefs. At first very narrow, the bed of the future river widens. The depressions of the bed cause movements of water, whirlpools, rapids and waterfalls